Sunday, December 18, 2005

And the Winner is...

This Blog entry has been edited to correct my shitty attitude. I cannot undo the hurt feelings I have caused, and I will think 3 times in the future before I post to my blog. Even though I was not the only entrant to feel the way I did at the time, I was the only one outspoken enough to say it. Unfortunately, I didn't think about who would be hurt by my statement nor did I consider the angst that would be caused by friends of Pip. I am honestly sorry, and I am a nice person, really. I made a mistake, and I'll consider others when post in the future.

Torrid chose her winner recently and even sent us all pictures of the winner.

Congratulations to Pip Puff.

I guess many of us misunderstood when Torrid said she was looking for a new face. There are some slight variations to Pip's appearance, but she could be Torrid's sister from the pics I've seen.

I would like to say I am not surprised, But Torrid is just people, and People's is peoples.

I'm think I might be dreading the party now, and I have a feeling that many won't show up now as I've made them angry at me, and rightly so. I would be angry with me if I were in their shoes too! Still, I hope to make some new friends, even with those that are not very happy with me. I hope they will see that I am human and can have egotistical outbursts and that I often make an ass of myself. I know this about me, and it helps me be tolerant of others and their mistakes. So, I'll say it one more time: The original post was me being an ass. I apologize with all that I am...and all that I hope to be.

And I still have some of my own ideas to recognize some of the lovely ladies in SL, be they known or unknown. Stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

Really, some people just can't take a blow to their ego without resorting to childish name calling. I really hope that some day you win something so that everyone can cheapen the experience for you by being bitter and trying to blame away your acheivement with jealous, insulting comments and insults. You're a sad sad person.

Anonymous said...

Liz, I'd just like to add that I think you are an ignorant dolt. Ciao.

Anonymous said...

Bullshit isn't bitter either, but that doesn't mean it tastes good.

Anonymous said...

Sore losers never win.

Anonymous said...

I hope you can feel shame

Lizbeth Marlowe said...

Yes I can feel shame Emma. I am human and I made a mistake.
I am not a sad sad person, I am not an ignorant dolt, and I am not a bullshitter. I notice that Torrid and Emma were the only one's posting here that weren't rude about sharing their feelings while telling me that I was. Easier to take that in although I could recognize the resistance within me to the other posts and still correct my mistake.
And thanks to everyone else for remembering that I too am a human being with feelings.

I hope none of you ever makes a mistake, or maybe you have and you were blasted for it? Although I understand the upset, I think the expression was just as bad as mine was.

Someday, we'll meet again and I hope you will remember that I too am human and that I can make mistakes, I can also try to correct them.

subbob said...

Lizbeth - Very nice to have met you tonight. Considering the kindness you showed me in game, I'm certain any misunderstanding that occurred here was truly what you've said already - a mistake.

We've all made them, but few actually do what you have done and been so straightforward in owning up and taking responsibility for it.

Thanks again for the conversation, advice and offers of assistance.

Look forward to talking to you more.

Alendril Mullen

Anonymous said...

I made a point to look up your post and leave a comment. I didn't participate in the model search but did follow up on some of the posts and I am astounded at the rudeness of some people. I do not know what you posted previously so I can not speak on that.

But I find it ironic that I showed the photo of pip and torrid to a male who didnt know who either were and simply asked do these avs look similiar to you. His reply to me was they look like they could be sisters. So feel somewhat vindicated that not all of us are blind.