Sunday, October 08, 2006

Drama Mama

Recently, I thought it would be kind of fun to request that the GBUOSLblog do a write up on a couple of costumes that came out at about the same time. In a way, yeah, I was stirring an already boiling pot.

Personally, I shop at both places and like different things about both the creators items. Just wanted to see where KIR!!! would take it... I love a good satire. And with Halloween on the way, I know we're going to see duplicates and triplicates of stuff in SL. We see all the time with all the products we come across in both lives. So that wasn't the issue. I was interested in how KIR!!! would do a comparison type blog of like items.

So it seems there are a lot of insecure people stomping around in Second Life and they're the first to cry, "You're starting Drama!!" Hmmm, ever think about how your reaction to what another person says could actually be the start of the drama?

I'm constantly amazed at the current mindset of most people living in the more priveleged* parts of the world. So many think they are entitled to special treatment of some kind or another. And taking responsibility for THEIR part in an event? OMG no way! It's ALL someone elses fault...they MADE me do it.

I've made mistakes here on this blog and on other blogs too...hell I'm made mistakes in Second Life too...and ya know what??? I've made a shit load of mistakes in my First Life!!!! Holy Crap!!!!!!

Difference is, I fess up, I try to make it better...and I try not to make the same mistake. (not perfect tho, I can make the same mistake a few times before I actually "get it").

That said, I'll admit I am sick and tired of all the entitlement and lack of self-responsibility I encounter in life in general...especially on the many SL blogs of late. All the anonymous posters crack me up. Grow some courage to stand up for what you believe in and say what you have on your mind. Yep, people will crucify, people will agree with, you'll have to apologize sometimes too! It takes courage to face that.

I'm here, being me...saying what I think, sometimes I'm actually wrong!!! Imagine that!

What about YOU? Who are you being today and how much courage do you have to stand up for what you believe?

*priveleged = your basic needs are met - food, shelter, clean water and air, socialization.


Neural said...

Interesting points. I do have to say however that one blog in particular which you mentioned should be left of the list there. When a blog is run by someone who won't give their own name, they have no right to complain about anonymous replies. :D

Lizbeth Marlowe said...

Hi Neural!

Oh I don't think they are complaining...The comment crowd is...anonymously. lol

Anonymous said...

My guess is the owner of the referenced blog makes up for about half the anon posters there as well. She's deranged beyond help

Anonymous said...

what i find interesting, is how you're complaining about anonymous commenters when the blogger him/herself is anonymous, yet you seem to kiss their ass by requesting their opinion. As if their anonymous opinion is any better than the anonymous comments. if anyone should own up to anything it's the blogger and not the commenters. sounds to me like you're a bit of a hypocrite. And why solicit their opinion? Why not write your own in your blog, since you seem to like hearing yourself speak.

And just to clear things up, you are a drama mama. just because you own up to your comments and whatever doesn't mean that you're not. You are aware of what you type and I'm sure you know what reactions you'll get from what you say, but rather than practice a little tact you just spew out whatever comes to mind, I'm sure to get a reaction in hopes so you can reply again only to sit and admire your own comments because you're so clever and witty.

I hope to encounter you one day IRL and you can spew your same comments and whatever comes to mind that way your comments and or opinions won't be met with a nasty reply but a fist in the mouth. And that's why people IRL think before they speak. If only we could really hit people ISL maybe people like you will shut their trap more.

Lizbeth Marlowe said...

Janice, I thought long about posting a reply to you...thought of how I could point out what you are missing...
But I've learned that most people don't like that, even resent it. So, you go blindly on your way, and I'll go blindly on mine.

I've obviously pushed one of your "buttons" and if you were a friend, or even friendly, I might even care.

But Neural you are right, if the blogger is complaining about anon posters, they really don't have a leg to stand on.

Anonymous said...


What an amazing surprise!

Threatened violence! -- in Real Life , and also desired in Second Life)?

I can not be still -- after seeing this threat of violence....

(I know nothing of the context here, except to know that the context means nothing, really...)

Janice -- now we can easily see you, as who you have declared yourself to be, namely:
A violent person, seething with hubris -- proudly proclaiming self-escalated violence as a reasonable, justifiable, and reliable way to disagree with others...

(I can only wonder, what nature of violence might have been inflicted on you?)

Having just read of Gandhi, and Jesus' Sermon on the Mount -- I can only stand together with anyone so threatened, and to protest by offering myself to receive the same violence.

What a hell would be created, if your philosophy prevailed -- in fact, we need only re-look at the worst atrocities of inhumanity, to see the unavoidable slide of the slippery slope you stand upon!

What are the principles you claim in life?
From where did you learn and adopt those principles?

This is my 1st-ever commment on a blog, and I choose to write anonymously -- knowing that the ideas and conversations are far more vital than the personalities.

In fact, it is only by our ideas and conversations that we define and declare who we are -- I reckon so, sho 'nuff! 'Nuff said!